Building a Wisdom Curriculum

The 2015 book publishing surge continues!  I am happy to announce that two of the Urbanmonks publication for this year are written by inmates I worked with at Auburn Penitentiary.  I helped facilitate the Monday Night Poetry Workshop there for a few years.  

As I finish up The Weather of the Mind, I will begin to reach out to colleges who could use this book as a resource for an emotional education curriculum.  This book works well as book one of the Urbanmonks Emotional Health Curriculum.  Another book in this curriculum is already available.  That book is entitled Prayers and Knives - and other Meditation on the Search for Mentors and was published in 2009. 

I am also working on a few 'subway minis.'  These are 8-12 pagers compromised mostly of quotes and a meditation on a certain topic worthy of reflection.  I am working on two of these: one on Thoreau and one on Courage. 

The collection of insight into courage I have compiled is like a little pile of wisdom that you can tuck away in your pocket and take it out when you want to step out and have little break and a brainstorm. 

I was thinking of a little quote 3-pack, but I think this one-pack is enough to satiate.  This is one of those quotes that you can just carry with you all day. 

"Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point." 
                                                                                 C.S. Lewis

Street Cart out at Union Square for 2015 season from July 15th onwards!  We'll be out there three days a week.  Details to follow.  

Happy Early Summer,